
Why do we use organic cotton for our clothing?
Because it is more ethical and environmentally friendly than conventional cotton.
At snowNsand we strive to provide sustainable and quality garments while trying to reduce our environmental impact . Thanks to Native Spirit we came up with our 100% organic cotton T-shirts.

Organic cotton is the environmentally friendly alternative to conventional cotton. It is grown ecologically* with natural compost instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
In addition, organic cotton helps us save water , one of our most precious resources. It offers the same level of comfort and durability as conventional cotton.
*without genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to protect the ecosystems around the production fields and preserve biodiversity.

The production of a T-shirt from conventional cotton requires approximately 2,500 liters of water . For an organic cotton T-shirt that is "only" 100 liters. That difference is because organic cotton production uses natural fertilizers, which keep the soil healthy and productive and retain water better.
Organic cotton is clearly a more responsible, natural and healthier alternative . It uses fewer resources, is more sustainable and less harmful to the environment and health.
An organic cotton fiber is not only softer and more flexible , but also thicker and hypoallergenic . The fibers of organic cotton are very strong, which leads to robust and durable clothing .